Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So Far

Hello and welcome to my assessment of my blogs so far.
  1. Choose and analyze the strongest and the weakest post
Personally I think my strongest post on my blog was Tips to be Eco-Friendly. One of the reasons why is because I know from experience what works and what doesn’t. I think my weakest is Climate Change Part 1 because there was just too much information to tell and I tried to condense it, but it didn’t work.
  1. What is working?
I think what makes a post well written is if it is spontaneous and comes from your passion. When I write like this it seems like people are being affected by what is said, or at least I hope.
  1. What isn’t working?
What is not working is trying to define current environmental issues.
  1. What do you want to improve in the next 6 weeks?
I think I will start writing about what has influenced me to becoming an environmentalist because if I can say how I became one maybe other people will see what I see and change. I also think I need to make sure that all my information is right and there are no grammatical errors in the post
  1. what steps will you take to make that happen?
I will research more and take notes about what has affected me that week. I will also spend a little more time proofreading my posts.

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